Cadets Ellisha Clelland and Joshua Rayner (together with Civilian Instructor Darren Taylor) recently attended a week long band camp at Barry Buddon Training Camp, near Dundee in Scotland.
Both cadets are members of the 361 (Gateshead) Squadron band and Ellisha attended with other cadets from Durham/Northumberland Wing, whilst Joshua attended as a member of the
Air Cadet Organisation National Marching Band which consists of cadets from squadrons from all of the United Kingdom.
Pictured below are cadets from the Durham/Northumberland Wing contingent with Cdt Clelland holding the Cymbals, centre right on the front row .
The video below is of the Air Cadet Organisation National Marching Band performing at Barry Buddon Camp. (Cdt Rayner is one of the two Bass Drummers in the band.)