Wednesday 20 May 2015

361 Squadron Success at the 2015 Wing Competitions Day

On Saturday, 9th May 361 (Gateshead) Squadron participated in the Durham/Northumberland Wing Competitions Day which was held in South Shields.

Competitions held on the day included Banner Drill, Drill, Aircraft Recognition, First Aid, Media and Aero Modelling all of which were open to all 35 Squadrons in the Wing.
The 361 (Gateshead) Squadron Banner Drill Squad

The 361 Drill Team

361 squadron's results for the day were:

1st Place in the Banner Drill Competition (for the 4th year in a row!)
2nd Place in the Drill Competition
3rd Place in the Junior Aircraft Recognition Competition

which resulted in 361 squadron being declared the overall winner of the day.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Beating the Retreat at Edinburgh Castle - 2015

On Saturday, 2nd May 2015 the Tri-Service Cadet Band performed the Beating of the Retreat on the Esplanade at Edinburgh Castle.

The band, which consists of the Sea Cadet Corps, the Black Watch Army Cadet Force and Durham/Northumberland Wing Air Cadets, as well as the Boys Brigade, is the only band of its kind in the United Kingdom and has performed annually in Edinburgh for the past few years.

(Video by Sgt (ATC) Callum Hartwell.)